California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
California's statewide student assessment system.
On January 1, 2014, California Education Code Section 60640 established the CAASPP System of assessments. The CAASPP – CalEdFacts web page provides a more detailed overview of the system. The CAASPP System PDF includes the following required assessments and additional resources:
- Smarter Balanced Assessments – The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, Interim Assessments, and Digital Library are all part of the CAASPP System.
- The California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics are given in grades three through eight and grade eleven. The CAA for Science is given in grades five and eight and one time in high school. For the pilot test, all eligible grade twelve students will take the CAA for Science. Local educational agencies (LEAs) also have the option to test any or all grade ten or eleven students; however, it is recommended that LEAs select students in grade ten or eleven who are enrolled in their last science course. Only eligible students—students whose individualized education program (IEP) identifies the use of alternate assessments—may participate in the administration of the CAAs.
- California Science Tests (CAST) will be field-tested in spring 2018. Students will be administered the CAST field test in grades five and eight and once in high school. All grade twelve students will be administered the field test, and LEAs can elect to administer the field test to any or all students in grade ten or eleven. For grade ten or eleven students, it is recommended that LEAs select those who are enrolled in their last science course. The CAST is aligned with the California Next Generation Science Standards.
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