COVID-19 Protocol
Below is the current protocol for students who are feeling ill AND for those who may be undergoing symptoms related to COVID-19. Please make sure to fill out this HHS Report FORM to report all COVID-related issues so we can help provide assistance to all of our stakeholders. Thank you for your help in keeping our students and families safe!
*Feeling ill?
We are asking that students remain home if they are feeling sick. Please contact the HHS Attendance Office by email: HHS-ATTENDANCE@AVHSD.ORG
If a student is feeling any of the following symptoms that are consistent with possible COVID-19 (fever of 100.4 degrees or more, a new cough (different from baseline), vomiting, or any new onset diarrhea) OR any other symptoms of illness that could possibly be COVID related, we are asking that you:
TEST FOR COVID - Once you receive the test results, please let us know whether negative or positive so that we are aware and can provide further assistance.
∎Test is Positive: follow the LA County COVID-19 Isolation Instructions
∎Test is Negative: remain home until their condition improves, being fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hrs. If the student receives a Dr. note stating they can return, please follow the suggestions by the student's physician.
Contact our Attendance Office: HHS-ATTENDANCE@AVHSD.ORG to clear the student's absence via email.
Key Concepts from Protocol:
Isolation days begin at 5 & go up to 10 - Day 0 is the day the positive test is taken or symptoms begin
A protective mask must be worn at all times when around others
Take a COVID test on or after Day 5; if negative AND have been fever-free for 24 hrs (without fever-reducing medication), AND have no symptoms or symptoms are improving
If the student tests positive on the 5th day, OR the student hasn't tested at all and/or knows that the student needs to be out for the full 10 days, please contact us ASAP.
**For further information, feel free to contact our Health Office by email:, or by phone at (661)538-0304 ext. 365