Antelope Valley School District

Student Union heading



Student Union hours are from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm daily.

Please send only one student at a time to the Student Union on official passes only.

Students must have their CURRENT student ID to use the chrome books in the Student Union.

Students will need their CURRENT student ID and will need to sign in to use the Student Union after school each day.



Library Media Technician - Jonmmica Walter -

Textbooks and Book Depository - Lavoya Bryant-Patrick -

Online Resources

County of Los Angeles Library - Lancaster

Palmdale Library

Online Card Catalog - Access our books here!   

Overdrive - Access books from audio/e-books from our school's library as well as from Los Angeles County Library.  

Students - To log into Overdrive, your user name is your student G-mail address and your password is your student ID#.

Overdrive for iPad/iPod/iPhone

Overdrive for Android

Overdrive for other devices