Princeton Review Live Tutor:
Online Tutoring and Essay Review - 24/7 Access!
Did you know you have FREE, LIVE, 1-on-1, ONLINE TUTORING 24/7 from the world-renowned Princeton Review team? This is available to you RIGHT NOW for almost all our classes. It is easy to use, easy to navigate, and FREE as long as you are a student in the Antelope Valley Union High School District!
Step 1: Log into your Power School account and select “Live Tutor” on the left-hand side of your home screen.
Step 2: Click “Find A Tutor” to be taken to the Log In screen. PowerSchool may skip this step depending on your account settings.
Step 3: Your Username is: your Student ID Your Password is: your PowerSchool Password
Step 4: Make your selections and enter your question. Push Connect for your live tutor!
There is also an Essay Review feature with detailed feedback in 24 hours of all writing assignments! See flyer below for details on how to access this free, online tutoring service.
(See Flyer Below)